Công bố khoa học

A role-based DDoS attack detection mechanism in SDN

6 năm trước

There is a transformation of the traditional network into Software Defined Networking (SDN) which is an outstanding developing area recently. Among the most exciting features of SDN are the remarkable control over network infrastructure and decoupling of control and data plane. Although it helps more flexible network management, SDN should…

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eDSDroid: A hybrid approach for information leak detection in Android

6 năm trước

Leaking personal information on mobile devices is a serious problem. Work on information leak detection for mobile devices, until now, mostly focus on action within a single application, while the coordinated action of several applications for the malicious purpose is becoming popular. This study proposes a hybrid approach that combines…

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Android Security Analysis Based on Inter-application Relationships

7 năm trước

There is a large share market of Android operating system and the number of new malware on Android has a significantly upward trend in recent. The current studies identified a behavior that is dangerous or not by only analyzing each single application. In fact, there are many behaviors just discovered…

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eddLeak: Enhancing precision of detecting inter-app data leakage in Android applications

7 năm trước

In recent years, mobile malware has grown to be significant types of behaviors, including stealing personal information of users, hijacking and surveilling user devices. Every year, it caused financial loss for infected enterprises, also more and more concerned about seriously secure data problems. Hence, many solutions have been proposed in…

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Sensitive Data Leakage Detection in Pre-Installed Applications of Custom Android Firmware

7 năm trước

There are many custom Android firmware (custom ROMs) which are shared on the Internet. Several recent studies aim their efforts at analyzing pre-installed applications in these firmware. However, they analyzed separate pre-installed applications. In this study we propose a system, uitXROM, to detect sensitive data leakage in custom Android firmware…

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Enhancing the accuracy of static analysis for detecting sensitive data leakage in Android by using dynamic analysis

7 năm trước

One approach of Android security is the analysis for detecting potential information leaks. The current technical analyses (as static analysis, dynamic analysis, hybrid of static and dynamic analysis) only focus on action within a single application, while the coordinated action of several applications for the malicious purpose is becoming popular….

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Detecting sensitive data leakage via inter-applications on Android using a hybrid analysis technique

7 năm trước

In this study, we present the uitHyDroid system, which allows the detection of sensitive data leakage via multi-applications using hybrid analysis. uitHyDroid uses static analysis to collect user interface elements that must interact to illuminate possible sensitive data flows. In addition, dynamic analysis is used to capture inter-application communications to…

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