Công bố – Publication

  1. 2008

    The leurre.com project: collecting internet threats information using a worldwide distributed honeynet

    Corrado Leita, Van-Hau Pham, Olivier Thonnard, E. Ramirez-Silva, F. Pouget, E. Kirda, Marc Dacier - 2008 - 1st WOMBAT Workshop WISTDCS'08 [ | Quốc tế]

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    The quest for multi-headed worms

    Van-Hau Pham, Marc Dacier, Guillaume Urvoy-Keller, Taoufik En-Najjary - 2008 - 5th Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment [ | Quốc tế]

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    Understanding threats: A prerequisite to enhance survivability of computing systems

    Fabien Pouget, Marc Dacier, Van-Hau Pham - 2008 - International Journal of Critical Infrastructures [Tạp chí | Quốc tế]

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  2. 2009

    The WOMBAT Attack Attribution method: some results

    Marc Dacier, Van-Hau Pham, Olivier Thonnard - 2009 - ICISS2009: the Fifth International Conference on Information Systems Security [ | Quốc tế]

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  3. 2011

    Honeypot trace forensics: The observation viewpoint matters

    Van-Hau Pham, Marc Dacier - 2011 - Future Generation Computer Systems [Tạp chí | Quốc tế]

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  4. 2013

    Parallel Two-Phase K-Means

    Duc-Cuong Nguyen, Tien-Dung Nguyen, Van-Hau PHAM - 2013 - International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications [ | Quốc tế]

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  5. 2014

    Integration of Re-active Ad-hoc Routing Daemon into Quagga Routing Suite for Wireless Ad-Hoc Routers

    Quan Le-Trung, Van-Hau Pham  - 2014 - IEEE - The International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications - IEEE ATC/REV [ | Quốc tế]

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    Development of a Quagga/Zebra-based Wireless Ad-Hoc Router

    Quan Le-Trung, Van-Hau Pham  - 2014 - Journal of Science and Technology [Tạp chí | Quốc tế]

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  6. 2015

    On the design of service management system for cloud computing

    Van-Hau Pham, Quan Le-Trung, Dac-Hoang Nguyen - 2015 - IEEE - The National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS-IEEE) [ | Trong nước]

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  7. 2016

    Phát hiện nguy cơ rò rỉ thông tin nhạy cảm trong các ứng dụng cài sẵn của ROM tùy biến bằng cách kiểm tra nội dung hàm khác biệt

    Nguyen Tan Cam, Ly Hoang Tuan, Tuan Nguyen and Van-Hau Pham - 2016 - Hội thảo An toàn thông tin SoIS 2016 [ | Trong nước]

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    Android Security Analysis Based on Inter-application Relationships

    Nguyen Tan Cam, Van-Hau Pham, Tuan Nguyen - 2016 - Springer - Information Science and Applications (ICISA) 2016 [ | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 16-02-2016

    There is a large share market of Android operating system and the number of new malware on Android has a significantly upward trend in recent. The current studies identified a behavior that is dangerous or not by only analyzing each single application. In fact, there are many behaviors just discovered…

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  8. 2017

    Sensitive Data Leakage Detection in Pre-Installed Applications of Custom Android Firmware

    Nguyen Tan Cam, Van-Hau Pham, Tuan Nguyen - 2017 - IEEE  - 18th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM2017) [ | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 03-07-2017

    There are many custom Android firmware (custom ROMs) which are shared on the Internet. Several recent studies aim their efforts at analyzing pre-installed applications in these firmware. However, they analyzed separate pre-installed applications. In this study we propose a system, uitXROM, to detect sensitive data leakage in custom Android firmware…

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    Phát hiện rò rỉ thông tin nhạy cảm trên Android bằng kỹ thuật phân tích động

    Nguyen Tan Cam, Van-Hau Pham, Tuan Nguyen - 2017 - Tạp chí Thông tin và Truyền thông [Tạp chí | Trong nước]

    Ngày xuất bản: 03-12-2017

    eDSDroid: A hybrid approach for information leak detection in Android

    Ly Hoang Tuan, Nguyen Tan Cam, Van-Hau Pham - 2017 - Springer - iCatse Conference on Information Science and Applications (ICISA 2017) [ | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 18-03-2017

    Leaking personal information on mobile devices is a serious problem. Work on information leak detection for mobile devices, until now, mostly focus on action within a single application, while the coordinated action of several applications for the malicious purpose is becoming popular. This study proposes a hybrid approach that combines…

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    Detecting sensitive data leakage via inter-applications on Android using a hybrid analysis technique

    Nguyen Tan Cam, Van-Hau Pham, Tuan Nguyen - 2017 - Springer - Cluster Computing - The journal of networks software tools and applications [ | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 20-10-2017

    In this study, we present the uitHyDroid system, which allows the detection of sensitive data leakage via multi-applications using hybrid analysis. uitHyDroid uses static analysis to collect user interface elements that must interact to illuminate possible sensitive data flows. In addition, dynamic analysis is used to capture inter-application communications to…

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    eddLeak: Enhancing precision of detecting inter-app data leakage in Android applications

    Phan The Duy, Nguyen Tan Cam, Van-Hau Pham - 2017 - IEEE  - IEEE 9th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN2017) [ | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 21-12-2017

    In recent years, mobile malware has grown to be significant types of behaviors, including stealing personal information of users, hijacking and surveilling user devices. Every year, it caused financial loss for infected enterprises, also more and more concerned about seriously secure data problems. Hence, many solutions have been proposed in…

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    Enhancing the accuracy of static analysis for detecting sensitive data leakage in Android by using dynamic analysis

    Ly Hoang Tuan, Nguyen Tan Cam, Van-Hau Pham - 2017 - Springer - Cluster Computing  - The journal of networks software tools and applications [ | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 24-11-2017

    One approach of Android security is the analysis for detecting potential information leaks. The current technical analyses (as static analysis, dynamic analysis, hybrid of static and dynamic analysis) only focus on action within a single application, while the coordinated action of several applications for the malicious purpose is becoming popular….

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  9. 2018

    A survey on opportunities and challenges of Blockchain technology adoption for revolutionary innovation

    Phan The Duy, Do Thi Thu Hien, Do Hoang Hien, Van-Hau Pham - 2018 - ACM - THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY [ | Quốc tế]

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    In the “Industry 4.0” era, blockchain as well as related distributed ledger technologies has been an unmissable trend for both academy and industry recently. Blockchain technology has become famous as the innovative technology that underlies cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum platform. It also has been spreading with multiple industries…

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    SDNsUIT – Giải pháp phân tích và phát hiện sớm tấn công DDoS cho mạng SDN

    Nguyễn Thanh Hòa, Phạm Văn Thái, Phạm Văn Hậu - 2018 - Tạp chí Thông tin và Truyền thông [Tạp chí | Trong nước]

    Ngày xuất bản: 07-12-2018

    Đánh giá mối liên hệ giữa thông tin mô tả và quyền hạn của ứng dụng Android

    Nguyễn Tấn Cầm, Nguyễn Văn Tâm, Văn Hồng Thư, Ung Văn Giàu, Phạm Văn Hậu, Nguyễn Anh Tuấn - 2018 - Tạp chí Thông tin và Truyền thông [Tạp chí | Trong nước]

    Ngày xuất bản: 07-12-2018

    A survey on Blockchain-based applications for reforming data protection, privacy and security

    Phan The Duy, Do Thi Thu Hien, Van-Hau Pham - 2018 - Tạp chí Thông tin và Truyền thông [Tạp chí | Trong nước]

    Ngày xuất bản: 07-12-2018

    Abstract— The modern society, economy and industry have been changed remarkably by many cutting-edge technologies over the last years, and many more are in development and early implementation that will in turn led even wider spread of adoptions and greater alteration. Blockchain technology along with other rising ones is expected…

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    A role-based DDoS attack detection mechanism in SDN

    Phan The Duy, Do Thi Thu Hien, Van-Hau Pham - 2018 - IEEE - The 5th IEEE - NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS 2018) [ | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 10-01-2019

    There is a transformation of the traditional network into Software Defined Networking (SDN) which is an outstanding developing area recently. Among the most exciting features of SDN are the remarkable control over network infrastructure and decoupling of control and data plane. Although it helps more flexible network management, SDN should…

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  10. 2019

    UIT-ODSMS: Hệ thống quản lý hỗ trợ hiến và nhận mô tạng sử dụng công nghệ Blockchain

    Nguyễn Phi Hùng, Phan Anh Đức, Phan Thế Duy, Nguyễn Văn Kiệt - 2019 - Hội nghị Quốc gia lần thứ XXII về Điện tử, Truyền thông và Công nghệ Thông tin” (The 22st National Conference on Electronics, Communications and Information Technology) - REV-ECIT 2019 [ | Trong nước]

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    Aloba: A mechanism of adaptive load balancing and failure recovery in distributed SDN controllers

    Phan The Duy, Do Thi Thu Hien, Huynh Phu Qui, Van-Hau Pham - 2019 - IEEE - 2019 19th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (IEEE ICCT 2019) [ | Quốc tế]

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    Emerging with unprecedented features of programmable network management at a centralized controller for network technology in recent years, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has promptly received much attention from both industry and academic research. However, to provide security and scalability of network, a single centralized controller gives way to a distributed controllers…

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    Detect malware in Android firmware based on distributed network environment

    Nguyen Tan Cam, Toan Nguyen, Khanh Nguyen, Tuan Nguyen, Van-Hau Pham - 2019 - IEEE - 2019 19th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology [ | Quốc tế]

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    Android operating system always occupies the highest market share in mobile operating systems. Security analysis on Android operating systems often focuses on analyzing applications (APK files) when installed on the phone. There are few studies analyzing Android firmware, especially customized Android firmware. In this study, we propose a model to…

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    Mitigating Flow Table Overloading Attack with Controller-based Flow Filtering Strategy in SDN

    Phan The Duy, Le Duy An, Van-Hau Pham - 2019 - ACM - 2019 the 9th International Conference on Communication and Network Security (ICCNS 2019) [ | Quốc tế]

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    Controller is a key component in the three layers of Software – Defined Networking (SDN), which is to process a huge number of flow requests from network devices. As a result, it puts a flow rule into flow table in switch according to every incoming packet. However, the capacity of…

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    SDNLog-Foren: Ensuring the Integrity and Tamper Resistance of Log Files for SDN Forensics Using Blockchain

    Phan The Duy, Hien Do Hoang, Do Thi Thu Hien, Nguyen Ba Khanh, Van-Hau Pham - 2019 - IEEE - 2019 6th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS 2019) (accepted) [ | Quốc tế]

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    Despite bringing many benefits of global network configuration and control, Software Defined Networking (SDN) also presents potential challenges for both digital forensics and cybersecurity. In fact, there are various attacks targeting a range of vulnerabilities on vital elements of this paradigm such as controller, Northbound and Southbound interfaces. In addition…

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    Toward a trust-based authentication framework of Northbound interface in Software Defined Networking

    Phan The Duy, Do Thi Thu Hien, Nguyen Van Vuong, Nguyen Ngoc Hai Au, Van-Hau Pham - 2019 - Springer - INISCOM 2019 - 5th EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems [ | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 05-09-2019

    Software Defined Networking (SDN) – a new rising terminology of network is recently gained more and more interest in both academic and industrial field. Not only decoupling of its control plane and data plane, SDN also provides the whole view of entire network for better and more flexible network management….

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    A Security-Enhanced Monitoring System for Northbound Interface in SDN using Blockchain

    Hien Do Hoang, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham - 2019 - ACM - The 10th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2019) [ | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 06-12-2019

    In Software-Defined Networking (SDN), Northbound Interface provides APIs, which allow network applications to communicate with SDN controllers. However, a malicious application can access to SDN controller and perform illegal activities via these APIs. Although some studies proposed AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting) systems to protect SDN controllers from malicious applications, their…

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    A Software Defined Networking Approach for Guaranteeing Delay in Wi-Fi Networks

    Do Thi Thu Hien, Thanh Duc Ngo, Duy-Dinh Le, Hiroo Sekiya, Van-Hau Pham, Kien Nguyen - 2019 - IEEE - The 10th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT) 2019 [ | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 06-12-2019

    Recently, low latency has become one of the most critical requirements in Wi-Fi networks (e.g., for Internet access). Many factors and events such as bufferbloat, which unexpectedly happen, can affect the delay of Wi-Fi networks. Hence, the delay requirement leads to the essential of a management mechanism, which can 1)…

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    Proposing Automatic Dataset Generation System to Support Android Sensitive Data Leakage Detection Systems

    Nguyen Tan Cam, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Le Duc Thinh, Van-Hau Pham, Tuan Nguyen - 2019 - ACM - 5th International Conference on Computing and Artificial Intelligence (ICCAI 2019) [ | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 19-04-2019

    Android sensitive information leakage datasets studies are still limited. Specifically, DroidBench dataset contains 120 case studies of which only 3 case studies are used for analyzing inter-application data flow. Therefore, increasing the number of case study of Android sensitive information leakage datasets is necessary to contribute to improving the accuracy…

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    Targeting Bufferbloat in Wi-Fi Networks: An Emulator-based Approach

    Do Thi Thu Hien, Thanh Duc Ngo, Duy-Dinh Le, Hiroo Sekiya, Van-Hau Pham, Kien Nguyen  - 2019 - IEEE - 2019 19th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2019) [ | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 25-09-2019

    In modern networks, bufferbloat is currently a rising problem where network equipment with the oversized buffer can produce undesired latency in packet transmission. Wi-Fi network is not an exception, for example, in the case of having an incorrect configuration on access points. Due to the gaining popularity of Wi-Fi (e.g.,…

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  11. 2020

    Deceive Intrusion Detection System with GAN and Function-Preserving on Adversarial Samples in SDN-enabled networks

    Phan The Duy, Le Khac Tien, Do Thi Thu Hien, Cao Phan Xuan Qui, Dang Hong Quang, Van-Hau Pham - 2020 - VANJ Conference 2020 (VANJ 2020) - “Science and Technology in the New Normal” [ | Quốc tế]

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    Deceive Intrusion Detection System with GAN and Function-Preserving on Adversarial Samples in SDN-enabled networks (*selected as an Excellent Young Research Award at VANJ 2020 conference) (abstract only)

    Forensic analysis of TikTok application to seek digital artifacts on Android smartphone

    Nghi Hoang Khoa, Phan The Duy, Hien Do Hoang, Do Thi Thu Hien and Van-Hau Pham - 2020 - IEEE -  THE 2020 RIVF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (IEEE-RIVF 2020) - accepted [ | Quốc tế]

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    Emerging with highlight features as a global phenomenon, TikTok – the international version of Douyin application in China market, is a social media video app for creating and sharing short lip-syncing. This social video platform has seen astounding growth by reaching 1.5 billion users in 2019 by capturing the cultural…

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    A Comparison of Congestion Control Algorithms in Emulated Wi-Fi Networks

    Yuki Horie; Do Thi Thu Hien; Kien Nguyen; Hiroo Sekiya - 2020 - 2020 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC)  [ | Quốc tế]

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    Wi-Fi technology has become popular in our lives with various Wi-Fi capable products such as laptops, mobile phones, etc. Moreover, in Wi-Fi networks, a device communicates typically with a server using Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) for most applications. In such a context, the behavior of the TCP congestion control primarily…

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    CVSS Based Attack Analysis using a Graphical Security Model: Review and Smart Grid Case Study

    Tan Duy Le, Mengmeng Ge, Phan The Duy, Hien Do Hoang, Adnan Anwar, Seng W. Loke, Razvan Beuran, Yasuo Tan - 2020 - EAI  - 4th EAI International Conference on Smart Grid and Internet of Things (EAI SGIoT 2020) [ | Quốc tế]

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    Smart Grid is one of the critical technologies that provide essential services to sustain social and economic developments. There are various cyber attacks on the Smart Grid system in recent years, which resulted in various negative repercussions. Therefore, understanding the characteristics and evaluating the consequences of an attack on the…

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    Phương Pháp Phát Sinh Dữ Liệu Tấn Công Đánh Lừa IDS Học Máy Dựa Trên Mạng Sinh Đối Kháng

    Cao Phan Xuân Quí, Đặng Hồng Quang, Phan Thế Duy, Đỗ Thị Thu Hiền, Phạm Văn Hậu - 2020 - Hội nghị khoa học Quốc gia lần thứ XXIII về Điện tử, Truyền thông và Công nghệ Thông tin (REV-ECIT 2020) [ | Trong nước]

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    Trình phát hiện xâm nhập mạng (Network IDS) được xây dựng để phát hiện và cảnh báo khi hệ thống bị tấn công, từ đó có thể đưa ra các phản ứng phù hợp. Với sự bùng nổ của dữ liệu, các phương pháp học máy đã bắt đầu được…

    Vietnamese Facebook Posts Classification using Fine-Tuning BERT

    Dung Tran Tuan; Dang Van Thin; Van-Hau Pham; Ngan Luu-Thuy Nguyen - 2020 - IEEE - 2020 7th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS) [ | Quốc tế]

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    With the development of social networks in the age of information technology explosion, the classification of social news plays an important role in detecting the hot topics being discussed on social networks over a period of time. In this paper, we present a new model for effective Facebook’s posts classification…

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  12. 2021

    Fruits classification by using machine learning – An experiment using popular approaches on local data

    Nguyen Vuong Thinh, A Nguyen Thi Yen Nhi, Trinh Gia Huy, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Nguyen Tan Cam - 2021 - Springer - The Sixth International Conference on Research in Intelligent Computing in Engineering (RICE-2021) [ | Quốc tế]

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    Fruits classification by using machine learning – An experiment using popular approaches on local data

    Statistic Android applications on Google Play for security analysis purpose

    Nguyen Tan Cam , A Nguyen Thi Yen Nhi, Nguyen Vuong Thinh, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Van-Hau Pham - 2021 - Springer - The Sixth International Conference on Research in Intelligent Computing in Engineering (RICE-2021) [ | Quốc tế]

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    Empirical Study on Reconnaissance Attacks in SDN-aware Network for Evaluating Cyber Deception

    Do Thi Thu Hien, Hien Do Hoang, Van-Hau Pham - 2021 - IEEE - The 15th IEEE-RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (RIVF 2021) [ | Quốc tế]

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    Federated learning-based intrusion detection in the context of IIoT networks: Poisoning Attack and defense

    Nguyen Chi Vy, Nguyen Huu Quyen, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham - 2021 - Springer - 15th International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS 2021) [ | Quốc tế]

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    A Secure and Privacy Preserving Federated Learning Approach for IoT Intrusion Detection System

    Phan The Duy, Huynh Nhat Hao, Huynh Minh Chu and Van-Hau Pham - 2021 - 15th International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS 2021) [ | Quốc tế]

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    Phương pháp khuyến khích cộng tác đào tạo mô hình học máy bằng Blockchain và học liên kết

    Hoàng Tuấn Anh, Ngân Văn Luyện, Đỗ Hoàng Hiển, Phan Thế Duy - 2021 - Hội nghị Quốc gia lần thứ 24 về Điện tử, Truyền thông và Công nghệ Thông tin (The 24th National Conference on Electronics, Communications and Information Technology - REV-ECIT 2021) [Hội nghị | Trong nước]

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    ALID-GAN: Phương pháp hỗ trợ học chủ động cho hệ thống phát hiện xâm nhập dựa trên mạng sinh đối kháng

    Bùi Xuân Thái, Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Trí , Nghi Hoàng Khoa, Phan Thế Duy - 2021 - Hội nghị Quốc gia lần thứ 24 về Điện tử, Truyền thông và Công nghệ Thông tin (The 24th National Conference on Electronics, Communications and Information Technology - REV-ECIT 2021) [Hội nghị | Trong nước]

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    ALID-GAN: Phương pháp hỗ trợ học chủ động cho hệ thống phát hiện xâm nhập dựa trên mạng sinh đối kháng

    Forensics Analysis of FacePlay Application to Seek Digital Artifacts on Data Ownership and Privacy

    Doan Minh Trung, Le Thanh Duan, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Phan The Duy, Nguyen Tan Cam, Van-Hau Pham - 2021 - IEEE -  8th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS 2021) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    Forensics Analysis of FacePlay Application to Seek Digital Artifacts on Data Ownership and Privacy

    Federated Learning-Based Intrusion Detection in SDN-enabled IIoT Networks

    Phan The Duy, Tran Van Hung, Nguyen Hong Ha, Hien Do Hoang, Van-Hau Pham - 2021 - IEEE -  8th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    FedChain: A Collaborative Framework for Building Artificial Intelligence Models Using Blockchain and Federated Learning

    Tran Duc Luong, Vuong Minh Tien, Hoang Tuan Anh, Ngan Van Luyen, Nguyen Chi Vy, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham - 2021 - IEEE -  8th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    An Approach for Service Function Chain Orchestration in Combination with SDN-Based Network

    Hien Do Hoang, Do Thi Thu Hien, Phan The Duy, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Van-Hau Pham - 2021 - IEEE -  8th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    Detect Repackaged Android Applications by Using Representative Graphs

    Nguyen Tan Cam, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Thieu Thai An, Nguyen Phan Bach, Van-Hau Pham - 2021 - IEEE -  8th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    Gather Android application information on Google Play for machine learning based security analysis

    Nguyen Tan Cam , A Nguyen Thi Yen Nhi, Nguyen Vuong Thinh, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Van-Hau Pham - 2021 - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Digital Era [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    Detect Android malware by using deep learning: Experiment and Evaluation

    Nghi Hoang Khoa, Cam Nguyen Tan, Van-Hau Pham, Anh Gia-Tuan Nguyen - 2021 - ACM  - The 5th International Conference on Machine Learning and Soft Computing (ICMLSC 2021) [ | Quốc tế]

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    With the emergence of deep learning, recent years have witnessed a booming of artificial intelligence (AI) applications and services in many fields of modern society, ranging from face recognition to video surveillance to many recommendation systems. In addition, there is a tremendous increase in cyberattacks or data leakage which draws…

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    A Blockchain-based Secured and Privacy-Preserved Personal Healthcare Record Exchange System

    Hien Do Hoang, , Do Thi Thu Hien , Thach Canh Nhut , Phan Dang Truc Quyen , Phan The Duy , and Van-Hau Pham - 2021 - Springer - The Sixth International Conference on Research in Intelligent Computing in Engineering (RICE-2021) [ | Quốc tế]

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    The demand for personal healthcare record (PHR) exchange among electronic medical record (EMR) systems and patients is growing along with remarkable efforts to improve the quality, safety, privacy- preserving, and efficiency of healthcare information delivery. Currently, in EMR systems, there are problems of fragmented communication and lack of interoperability for…

    PWDGAN: Generating Adversarial Malicious URL Examples for Deceiving Black-Box Phishing Website Detector using GANs

    Trinh Nguyen Bac , Phan The Duy , and Van-Hau Pham - 2021 - Springer - The Sixth International Conference on Research in Intelligent Computing in Engineering (RICE-2021) [ | Quốc tế]

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    In recent years, the Internet has witnessed a significant increase in phishing attacks. These attacks are not merely deceiving Internet users to get their sensitive information, but phishing attacks are developing more and more sophisticated, using many new techniques to try to bypass the traditional defense solution. With the help…

    A Deep Transfer Learning Approach for Flow-based Intrusion Detection in SDN-enabled Network

    Phan The Duy, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Hoang Hiep, Nguyen Ba Tuan, Hien Do Hoang, Do Thi Thu Hien, Van-Hau Pham - 2021 - The 20th International Conference on Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools, and Techniques (SOMET 2021) [ | Quốc tế]

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    Revolutionizing operation model of traditional network in programmability, scalability, and orchestration, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has considered as a novel network management approach for a massive network with heterogeneous devices. However, it is also highly susceptible to security attacks like conventional network. Inspired from the success of different machine learning algorithms…

    DIGFuPAS: Deceive IDS with GAN and Function-Preserving on Adversarial Samples in SDN-enabled networks

    Phan The Duy, Le Khac Tien, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Do Thi Thu Hien, Anh Gia-Tuan Nguyen, Van-Hau Pham - 2021 - Elsevier - Computers & Security [Tạp chí | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: -

    Showing a great potential in various domains, machine learning techniques are more and more used in the task of malicious network traffic detection to significantly enhance the ability of intrusion detection system (IDS). When associating with Software-Defined Networks (SDN), the deployment of IDSs can leverage the centralized control plane in…

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    Strengthening IDS against Evasion Attacks with GAN-based Adversarial Samples in SDN-enabled network

    Cao Phan Xuan Qui, Dang Hong Quang, Phan The Duy, Do Thi Thu Hien, Van-Hau Pham - 2021 - IEEE -  The 15th IEEE-RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (RIVF 2021) [ | Quốc tế]

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    With the spread of the number of smart devices in the context of Smart City, Software Defined Networking (SDN) is considered as a vital principle to manage a large-scale heterogeneous network within centralized controller. To deal with cyberattacks against such networks, intrusion detection system (IDS) is built to recognize and…

  13. 2022

    B-DAC: A Decentralized Access Control Framework on Northbound Interface for Securing SDN Using Blockchain

    Phan The Duy, Hien Do Hoang, Do Thi Thu Hien, Anh Gia-Tuan Nguyen, Van-Hau Pham - 2022 - Elsevier - Journal of Information Security and Applications [Tạp chí | Quốc tế]

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    Intrusion Detection with Big Data Analysis in SDN-enabled Networks

    Do Thi Thu Hien, Le Ba Truc, Phan The Duy, Do Thi Huong Lan, Hien Do Hoang, Van-Hau Pham - 2022 - The 21th International Conference on Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools, And Techniques (SOMET 2022) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 20-09-2022

    Although Software-defined networking (SDN) is a promising architecture that simplifies network management and control, it also faces security problems that may affect the whole network. Hence, protecting strategies, such as intrusion detection and prevention system (IDPS), are in need in the SDN context. The potential of machine learning-based solutions can…

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    Federated learning-based cyber threat hunting for APT attack detection in SDN-enabled networks

    Huynh Thai Thi, Ngo Duc Hoang Son, Phan The Duy, and Van Hau Pham - 2022 - IEEE - The 21st International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2022)  [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 27-09-2022

    Threat hunting is the action of seeking harmful actors lurking in the network or the system in the early stage with the assumption of attackers already broke the cy-ber defense solution. This defense solution requires collecting more knowledge inside and outside to search potential threats in each organization. To leverage…

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    Fool your enemies: Enable Cyber Deception and Moving Target Defense for Intrusion Detection in SDN

    Phan The Duy, Hien Do Hoang, Nghi Hoàng Khoa, Do Thi Thu Hien, and Van-Hau Pham - 2022 - IEEE - The 21st International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2022)  [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 27-09-2022

    The adoption of deception technology constructed to throw off stealthy attackers from real assets and gather intelligence about how they operate is gaining ground in the network system. Also, some static honeypots are deployed in the network system to attract adversaries for avoiding them accessing the real targets. This leads…

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    A case study for evaluating learners’ behaviors from online cybersecurity training platform on digital forensics subject

    Do Thi Thu Hien, Phan The Duy, Hien Do Hoang, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Van-Hau Pham - 2022 - IEEE - 2022 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC 2022) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 20-10-2022

    Virtual cybersecurity training platforms play an important role in developing the knowledge and practice skills for students in educational institution and universities. It helps learners can access to virtual laboratory through web-interface without any geolocation restriction, especially in the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, instructors can monitor and understand learners’ behaviors in…

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    UIT-ADF: A System for Android Device Forensics

    Nguyen Tan Cam, Pham Nhat Duy, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Le Hoang Vien, Phan Thanh Truoc, Trinh Gia Huy - 2022 - International Conference on Intelligent Computing & Optimization (ICO 2022) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 21-10-2022

    Today, Android mobile phones have shown their popularity with more than two billion users worldwide. Through the use of the application, the user’s personal data will be stored on the Android device. These data are especially important in digital investigation. The logical extraction method is one of the popular methods…

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    uitXkernel: Android Kernel Forensic for Security Analysis Purposes

    Nguyen Tan Cam, To Ung Vu, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Van-Hau Pham - 2022 - International Conference on Intelligent Computing & Optimization (ICO 2022) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 21-10-2022

    The Android operating systems is becoming more popular. Security analysis on Android devices is necessary. We can perform security assessment on difference components of Android operating system such as pre-installed applications component, application framework component, or Linux kernel (Android kernel) component. Most of the current studies focus on pre-installed applications,…

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    A Blockchain-Based Authentication and Access Control for Smart Devices in SDN-Enabled Networks for Metaverse

    Dung Tran Tuan, Phan The Duy, Le Cong Hau, Van-Hau Pham - 2022 - IEEE - The 2022 9th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS 2022) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 31-10-2022

    Emerging with outstanding features in network management, Software Defined Networking (SDN) is considered as a flexible and efficient paradigm in the context of smart city including a massive number of heterogeneous devices. In the vision of Metaverse towards, SDN plays important roles for network orchestration to support interactive experience through…

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    Chiến lược giăng bẫy thích ứng phục vụ phòng thủ chủ động trong mạng khả lập trình

    Van Doan Bao Khoi , Pham Nguyen Thao Nhi , Phan The Duy , Nghi Hoàng Khoa, Van-Hau Pham - 2022 - Hội nghị khoa học quốc gia lần thứ XV về "Nghiên cứu cơ bản và ứng dụng Công nghệ thông tin" (FAIR2022) [Hội nghị | Trong nước]

    Ngày xuất bản: 03-11-2022

    Federated Intrusion Detection on Non-IID Data for IIoT networks using Generative Adversarial Networks and Reinforcement Learning

    Nguyen Huu Quyen, Phan The Duy, Nguyen Chi Vy , Do Thi Thu Hien, Van-Hau Pham - 2022 - Springer - The 17th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (ISPEC 2022)  [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 23-11-2022

    Federated learning has become the promising approach for building collaborative intrusion detection systems (IDS) as providing privacy guaranteeing among data holders. Nevertheless, the non-independent and identically distributed (Non-IID) data in real-world scenarios negatively impacts the performance of aggregated models from training client updates. To this end, in this paper, we…

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    A Method of Mutating Windows Malwares using Reinforcement Learning with Functionality Preservation

    Do Thi Thu Hien, Phan The Duy, Hao Le Anh, Lan Nguyen Duy, Khoa Nghi Hoang and Van-Hau Pham - 2022 - ACM - 11th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2022) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 01-12-2022

    Recently, the development in both quantity and complication of malware has raised a need of powerful malware detection solution. The outstanding characteristics of machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques has been leveraged in the fight against malware. However, they are proved to be vulnerable against adversarial attacks, where…

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    Leveraging Deep Learning Image Classifiers for Visual Similarity-based Phishing Website Detection

    Trinh Nguyen Bac, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham - 2022 - 11th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2022) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 01-12-2022

    Phishing is a major cybersecurity threat that is increasingly dangerous and complicated, especially during a global pandemic when there is a great need for remote work and communication between Internet users. Moreover, the challenge is even greater when the crime of using high technology increase with the speed of development…

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    Leveraging Reinforcement Learning and Generative Adversarial Networks to Craft Mutants of Windows Malware against Black-box Malware Detectors

    Phan The Duy, Tran Duc Luong, Nguyen Hoang Quoc An, Nguyen Huu Quyen , Nghi Hoàng Khoa and Van-Hau Pham  - 2022 - 11th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2022) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 01-12-2022

    To build an effective malware detector, it is required to collect a diversity of malware samples and their evolution, since malware authors always try to evade detectors through strategies of malware mutation. So, this paper explores the ability to craft mutants of malware for gathering numerous mutated samples in training…

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    A Privacy-Preserving Approach For Building Learning Models in Smart Healthcare using Blockchain and Federated Learning

    Ngan Van Luyen , Hoang Tuan Anh, Phan The Duy, Tan-Khoa Vo and Van-Hau Pham  - 2022 - 11th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2022) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 01-12-2022

    Nowadays, the amount of data generated from Internet of Things (IoT) devices is increasing, paving the way for the development of artificial intelligence (AI) applications. However, with the traditional AI approach, users sharing their raw data causes many concerns in terms of privacy leakage. There have been reports that there…

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    A Method for Flexible Definition and Automatic Implementation of Laboratory Environment in Online Training Platforms

    Do Thi Thu Hien, Hien Do Hoang, Phan The Duy, Do Thi Huong Lan, Van-Hau Pham - 2022 - IEEE - 2022 RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (RIVF) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 20-12-2022

    Cloud infrastructure enables individuals, organizations, and enterprises to offer scalable and elastic resources to support business operations remotely. The demand for digital transformation encourages communities and technical professionals to adopt cloud computing and automation platforms for facilitating their resource capacity, including operating systems, networks, and applications. Of cloud-based applications for…

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    Adversarial AutoEncoder and Generative Adversarial Networks for Semi-Supervised Learning Intrusion Detection System

    Ho Huy Thai, Nguyen Duc Hieu, Nguyen Van Tho, Hien Do Hoang, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham - 2022 - IEEE - 2022 RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (RIVF) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 20-12-2022

    As one of the defensive solutions against cyberattacks, Intrusion Detection System (IDS) plays an important role in observing the network state, alerting suspicious actions that can break down the system. There are many attempts of adopting Machine Learning (ML) in IDS to achieve the high performance in intrusion detection. However,…

    A Blockchain-based approach and Attribute-based Encryption for Healthcare Record Data Exchange

    Hien Do Hoang, Phan The Duy, Nguyen Thanh Tien, Do Thi Thu Hien, Van-Hau Pham - 2022 - IEEE - 2022 RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (RIVF)  [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 20-12-2022

    Sharing medical data can help doctors to give a more rapid and accurate diagnosis of a patient’s health problems. However, electronic healthcare records (EHRs) are also considered sensitive data, whose sharing may raise issues of security and privacy. Most current healthcare systems not only manage their data in centralized databases…

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    DA-GAN: Domain Adaptation for Generative Adversarial Networks-assisted Cyber Threat Detection

    Hien Do Hoang, Do Thi Thu Hien, Bui Xuan Thai, Nguyen Ngoc Minh Tri, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham - 2022 - IEEE - 2022 RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (RIVF) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 20-12-2022

    The rising development of machine learning (ML) techniques has become the motivation for research in applying their outstanding features to facilitate intelligent intrusion detection systems (IDSs). However, ML-based solutions also have drawbacks of high false positive rates and vulnerability to sophisticated attacks such as adversarial ones. Therefore, continuous evaluation and…

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    Cyber Threat Intelligence for Proactive Defense against Adversary in SDN-assisted IIoTs context

    Nghi Hoang Khoa, Doan Minh Trung, Bui Cong NguyenKhoa, To Thi My Au, Ung Van Giau, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham - 2022 - IEEE - 2022 RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (RIVF) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 20-12-2022

    In large-scale networks like the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), it is more important to monitor and enforce the security policy within an appropriate time due to the continuous widespread of cyberattacks. This is a tough challenge in traditional network architecture; thus, each network element’s network management is unsuitable for…

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    A federated threat hunting system with big data analysis for SDN-enabled networks

    To Trong Nghia, Hien Do Hoang, Doan Minh Trung, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham - 2022 - IEEE - 2022 RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (RIVF) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 20-12-2022

    Software-defined networking (SDN) is a potential approach for modern network architecture, which has received great attention recently. SDN-based networks also face security issues, and they can become targets of cyberattacks. Cyber threat hunting is one of the security solutions proposed for early attack detection in SDN. Developing machine learning-based IDS…

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    Leveraging Deep Reinforcement Learning for Automating Penetration Testing in Reconnaissance and Exploitation Phase

    Le Van Hoang, Nguyen Xuan Nhu, To Trong Nghia, Nguyen Huu Quyen, Van-Hau Pham, Phan The Duy - 2022 - IEEE - 2022 RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (RIVF) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 20-12-2022

    Penetration testing is one of the most common methods for assessing the security of a system, application, or network. Although there are different support tools with great efficiency in this field, penetration testing is done mostly manually and relies heavily on the experience of the ethical hackers who are doing…

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  14. 2023

    SDN-Based Cyber Deception Deployment for Proactive Defense Strategy Using Honey of Things and Cyber Threat Intelligence

    Nghi Hoang Khoa, Hien Do Hoang, Khoa Ngo-Khanh, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham - 2023 - Springer - The 2nd International Conference on Intelligence of Things 2023 [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    A Multimodal Deep Learning Approach for Efficient Vulnerability Detection in Smart Contracts

    Le Cong Trinh, Vu Trung Kien, Trinh Minh Hoang, Nguyen Huu Quyen, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham - 2023 - IEEE - IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2023 [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    An interpretable approach for trustworthy intrusion detection systems against adversarial network flow samples

    Nguyen Ngoc Tai, Hien Do Hoang, Phan The Duy, Van- Hau Pham  - 2023 - CTU - CTU Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development (CTUJoISD) [Tạp chí | Trong nước]

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    MalDEX: An Explainable Malware Detection System Based on Ensemble Learning

    Nghia To Trong, Hien Do Hoang, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham  - 2023 - IEEE - The 6th International Conference on Multimedia Analysis and Pattern Recognition (MAPR 2023) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    DeFL-BC: Empowering Reliable Cyberattack Detection through Decentralized Federated Learning and Poisoning Attack Defense

    Phan The Duy, Tuan-Dung Tran, Nguyen Duy Hoang, Hien Do Hoang, Van-Hau Pham - 2023 - IEEE - 2023 RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (RIVF). [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: -

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    Shark-Eyes: A multimodal fusion framework for multi-view-based phishing website detection

    Vo Quang Minh, Bui Tan Hai Dang, Tran Kim Ngoc Ngan, Ngo Duc Hoang Son, Nguyen Huu Quyen, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham  - 2023 - The 12th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2023) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: -

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    Binary Representation Embedding and Deep Learning For Binary Code Similarity Detection in Software Security Domain

    Nguyen Hung Thinh, Nguyen Phuc Hai, Tran Dinh Khoa, Le Tran Thanh Nhan, Trong-Nghia To, Khoa Ngo-Khanh, Phan The Duy, Hau Pham Van  - 2023 - ACM - The 12th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2023) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    Binary Representation Embedding and Deep Learning For Binary Code Similarity Detection in Software Security Domain

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    WebGuardRL: An Innovative Reinforcement Learning-based Approach for Advanced Web Attack Detection

    Hien Do Hoang, Ha Nguyen Thi Hai, Do Thi Thu Hien, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham  - 2023 - ACM - The 12th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2023) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    Contextual Language Model and Transfer Learning for Reentrancy Vulnerability Detection in Smart Contracts

    Le Hong Bang, Le Duc Thang, Doan Minh Trung, Tuan-Dung Tran, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham - 2023 - ACM - The 12th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2023) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    BlazeSearch: A multimodal semantic search engine for retrieving in-video information for AI Challenge HCMC 2023

    Ngo Duc Hoang Son, Bui Vuong Tam Anh, Phan Hoang Phuoc, Tran Thi Cam Giang, Nguyen Hung Thinh, Nguyen Huu Quyen, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham - 2023 - ACM - The 12th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2023) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: -

    BlazeSearch: A multimomal semantic search engine for retrieving in-video information for AI Challenge HCMC 2023

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    DoppelSearch: A Novel Approach to Content-Based Video Retrieval for AI Challenge HCMC 2023

    Phan Nguyen Huu Phong, Tran Dinh Khoa, Tran Kim Ngoc Ngan, Tran Duc Luong, Le Hoang Phuc, Nguyen Huu Quyen, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham  - 2023 - ACM - The 12th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2023) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    DoppelSearch: A Novel Approach to Content-Based Video Retrieval for AI Challenge HCMC 2023

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    Enhancing Web Application Security: A Deep Learning and NLP-based Approach for Accurate Attack Detection

    Van-Hau Pham, Do Thi Thu Hien - 2023 - Journal of Science and Technology on Information Security [Tạp chí | Trong nước]

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    Investigating on the Robustness of Flow-based Intrusion Detection System against Adversarial Samples using Generative Adversarial Networks  

    Phan The Duy, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Do Thi Thu Hien, Hien Do Hoang, Van-Hau Pham - 2023 - Elsevier - Journal of Information Security and Applications [Tạp chí | Quốc tế]

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    Recently, Software Defined Networking (SDN) has emerged as the key technology in programming and orchestrating security policy in the security operations centers (SOCs) for heterogeneous networks. Typically, machine learning-based intrusion detection systems (ML-IDS) have been deployed and associated with SDN to leverage the features of a programmable network to defend…

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    A Consensus Protocol for Incentivizing Contribution from Decentralized Community for Machine Learning-based Scamming Website Detection

    Vo Truong Trung Hieu ,Truong Thi Hoang Hao , Le Xuan Hoang , Doan Minh Trung , Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham - 2023 - IEEE - 2023 International Conference on System Science and Engineering [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    The increasing proliferation of phishing and scamming websites has become a significant threat to the safety and security of internet users. Accurately detecting such websites is crucial in mitigating their negative impact. While various techniques for detecting phishing and scamming websites exist, machine learning-based approaches have gained significant attention in…

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    A Deception and Continuous Training Approach for Web Attack Detection using Cyber Traps and MLOps

    Van-Hau Pham, Nguyen Huu Quyen, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Phan The Duy - 2023 - VNUHCM Press - VNUHCM Science and Technology Development Journal [Tạp chí | Trong nước]

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    With the growth and expansion of the internet, web attacks have become more powerful and pose a significant threat in the cyber world. In response to this, this paper presents a deceptive approach for gathering malicious behavior to understand the strategies used by web attackers. The harmful requests collected through…

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    A method of generating mutated Windows malware to evade ensemble learning

    Pham Van Hau, To Trong Nghia, Phan The Duy - 2023 - Journal of Science and Technology on Information Security, 1(18). [Tạp chí | Trong nước]

    Ngày xuất bản: -

    Recently, the application of machine learning (ML) in the field of cybersecurity, particularly in the detection and prevention of malware, has received significant attention and interest. Numerous research works on malware analysis have been proposed, showing promising results for practical applications. In such works, the use of Generative Adversarial Networks…

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    XFedGraph-Hunter: An Interpretable Federated Learning Framework for Hunting Advanced Persistent Threat in Provenance Graph

    Ngo Duc Hoang Son, Huynh Thai Thi, Phan The Duy, Van Hau Pham - 2023 - Springer - The 18th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (ISPEC 2023)  [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    Advanced persistent threats (APT) are increasingly sophisticated and pose a significant threat to organizations’ cybersecurity. Detecting APT attacks in a timely manner is crucial to prevent significant damage. However, hunting for APT attacks requires access to large amounts of sensitive data, which is typically spread across different organizations. This makes…

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    IncWAD: An Incremental Learning Approach for Web Attack Detection Using MLOps

    Le Phi Hung, Vu Xuan Khang, Nguyen Huu Quyen, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham - 2023 - IEEE - 2023 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    With the continuous growth of the internet and web applications, billions of websites built and available at our fingertips today lead more and more sophisticated and malicious attacks and pose requirements to build more precise and modern Web Attack Detection (WAD) system. Nowadays, many Machine Learning (ML)-based WAD approaches have…

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    FedLS: An Anti-poisoning Attack Mechanism for Federated Network Intrusion Detection Systems using Autoencoder-based Latent Space Representations

    Tran Duc Luong, Vuong Minh Tien, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham - 2023 - The 18th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (ISPEC 2023)  [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    The recent explosion in the number and advancement of cyberattacks induces the deployment of machine learning (ML)-based network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) in the network infrastructure of each corporation. However, there are plenty of difficulties for enterprise organization in training a conventional ML-based IDS, such as the data shortage, the…

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    On the effectiveness of transferability of adversarial Android malware samples against learning-based detectors

    Doan Minh Trung, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Bui Tan Hai Dang , Phan The Duy , Van-Hau Pham - 2023 - IEEE - The 6th International Conference on Multimedia Analysis and Pattern Recognition (MAPR 2023) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    In recent times, there has been a growing utilization of Machine Learning (ML) in the realm of malware detection. The Adversarial Example (AE) attack, which is widely acknowledged for undermining ML in diverse contexts, has demonstrated its effectiveness in evading or deceiving ML-based systems designed for malware detection. By ensuring…

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    Enhancing Blockchain Interoperability Through Sidechain Integration and Valid-Time-Key Data Access Control

    Tuan-Dung Tran, Kiet Anh Vo, Nguyen Binh Thuc Tram, Ngan Nguyen Bui Kim, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham - 2023 - Springer - The 2nd International Conference on Intelligence of Things 2023 [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    Nowadays, in the realm of blockchain technology, a pressing challenge lies in the current lack of interoperability, which significantly limits its potential for innovation and advancement. However, the attainment of cross-chain interoperability is undeniable of utmost importance, as it holds the key to maximizing the network’s computing performance, expanding storage…

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    TrustFedHealth: Federated Learning with Homomorphic Encryption and Blockchain for Heart Disease Prediction in the Smart Healthcare

    Bui Tan Hai Dang, Phan Huu Luan, Vuong Dinh Thanh Ngan, Nghia To Trong, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham - 2023 - IEEE - 2023 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    In recent years, the advancements in the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) or smart devices have enabled the automatic monitoring of human health. Using smart healthcare devices can not only reduce the burden on hospitals but also save costs, travel time, and provide a way to diagnose diseases at home,…

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    FedChain-Hunter: A Reliable and Privacy-Preserving Aggregation for Federated Threat Hunting Framework in SDN-based IIoT

    Phan The Duy, Nguyen Huu Quyen, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Tuan-Dung Tran, Van-Hau Pham - 2023 - Elsevier - Internet of Things [Tạp chí | Quốc tế]

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    In the development of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), cyber threats and attacks have become major issues and concerns in Industry 4.0 due to the negative impacts on the infrastructures and services across organizations. Nevertheless, due to the issues in preserving privacy and transparency, there is a lack of…

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    A Multi-chain Interoperable Data and Access System for Healthcare

    Ngan Nguyen Bui Kim, Tram Nguyen Binh Thuc, Tuan-Dung Tran, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham - 2023 - Spinger - The 12th International Conference on Computational Data and Social Networks. [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    The emergence of Blockchain technology has inaugurated a transformative era by its multifaceted advantages and wide-ranging applications across diverse industries. Nevertheless, while holding great promise, Blockchain encounters a significant challenge in achieving interoperability within the complex landscape of multi-blockchain ecosystems. The imperative necessity for seamless data and digital asset exchange…

    An Accurate Platform for Investigating TCP Performance in Wi-Fi Networks

    Shunji Aoyagi, Yuki Horie, Do Thi Thu Hien,Thanh Duc Ngo, Duy-Dinh Le, Kien Nguyen, Hiroo Sekiya - 2023 - Future Internet [Tạp chí | Quốc tế]

    Ngày xuất bản: 19-07-2023

    An increasing number of devices are connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi networks, ranging from mobile phones to Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Moreover, Wi-Fi technology has undergone gradual development, with various standards and implementations. In a Wi-Fi network, a Wi-Fi client typically uses the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) for…

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  15. 2024

    ChainSniper: A Machine Learning Approach for Auditing Cross-Chain Smart Contracts

    Tuan-Dung Tran, Kiet Anh Vo, Phan The Duy, Nguyen Tan Cam, Van-Hau Pham - 2024 - ACM - The 9th International Conference on Intelligent Information Technology (ICIIT 2024) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    AAGAN: Android malware generation system based on Generative Adversarial Network

    Doan Minh Trung, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Phan The Duy, Van-Hau Pham, and Nguyen Tan Cam - 2024 - Vietnam Journal of Computer Science [Tạp chí | Quốc tế]

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    A Study on Natural Language Processing-Based Method for Windows Malware Detection

    Do Thi Thu Hien, Nguyen Quang Huy, Bui Duc Hoang, Nguyen Tan Cam, Van-Hau Pham - 2024 - The 10th IEEE International Conference on Communications and Electronics 2024 (IEEE ICCE) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    An empirical study on the impact of graph representations for code vulnerability detection using graph learning

    Le Tran Gia Lac, Nguyen Cao Cuong, Ngo Duc Hoang Son, Van-Hau Pham, Phan The Duy - 2024 - IEEE - The 2024 International Conference on Multimedia Analysis and Pattern Recognition [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    A multimodal Windows malware detection method based on hybrid analysis and graph representations

    Pham Thai Bao, Do Thi Thu Hien, Nguyen Tan Cam, Van-Hau Pham - 2024 - The 2024 International Conference on Multimedia Analysis and Pattern Recognition [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    CrossCert: A Privacy-Preserving Cross-chain System for Educational Credential Verification using Zero-Knowledge Proof

    Tuan-Dung Tran, Phong Khuu Minh, Trang Le Tran Thuy, Phan The Duy, Cam Nguyen Tan, Van-Hau Pham - 2024 - Springer - The 10th EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems (INISCOM 2024) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    Across various industries, credential verification stands as a critical requirement, yet traditional approaches face limitations in security, privacy, and interoperability. Although recent blockchain innovations promise decentralization, deploying them independently in institutions creates data isolation. While there are theoretical frameworks, lack of practical studies achieving a balance between credential mobility and…

    An Approach of Adaptive Cyber Deception for Active Cyber-attack Defense Method based on Deep Reinforcement Learning

    Toan Nguyen Chi, Hieu Nguyen Hoang, Phuong Cao Thi Bich, Phan The Duy and Hien Do Hoang - 2024 - Springer - The 13th Conference on Information Technology and its Application (CITA 2024) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    The diverse landscape of network models, including Software-Defined Networking (SDN), Cloud Computing (C2), and Internet of Things (IoT), is evolving to meet the demands of flexibility and performance. However, these environments face numerous security challenges due to cyber-attack complexity. Traditional defense mechanisms are no longer effective against modern attacks. Therefore,…

    Towards Transparent Spam Detection: SentinelCall – A Distributed Ledger Solution for Call Filtering

    Dung Tran-Tuan - 2024 - IEEE -  [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    The proliferation of connectivity through modern telecommunications has led to increased unwanted and disruptive calls. Such communications negatively impact user experience and trust in platforms. Currently, call filtering relies on centralized architectures that aggregate vast troves of sensitive user data within single entities, compromising privacy and ownership. Users have limited…

    Medichain: A multi-chain based system for managing prescription medications using Zero Knowledge Proofs

    Tuan-Dung Tran, Minh Tran Duc, Thuy Trang Le Tran, Phan The Duy, Nguyen Tan Cam, Van-Hau Pham - 2024 - Springer - The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems & Networks (ICISN 2024) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    The abuse of prescription medications has become a severe public health crisis fueled by limited coordination and oversight across healthcare systems. Current frameworks lack interoperability between doctors, pharmacies, and regulators, enabling abusive practices like doctor shopping and pharmacy hopping. To address these issues, this research proposes Medichain, a novel multichain-based…

    Multimodal Deep Learning Feedback for Generating Evasive Malware Samples against Malware Detector

    Luu Nguyen Cong Minh, Le Trong Nhan, Trong-Nghia To, Nghi Hoang Khoa, Phan The Duy and Van-Hau Pham  - 2024 - The 13th Conference on Information Technology and its Application (CITA 2024) [Hội nghị | Quốc tế]

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    As data driven-based Windows malware detectors become increasingly prevalent, the need for robust evaluation and enhancement of adversarial malware generation techniques also becomes imperative, as malicious actors will adapt and enhance their malware to evade detection. There are numerous works that introduce new techniques or enhancements for adversarial malware. One…

    A Coverage-guided Fuzzing Method for Automatic Software Vulnerability Detection using Reinforcement Learning-enabled Multi-Level Input Mutation

    Van-Hau Pham, Do Thi Thu Hien, Nguyen Phuc Chuong, Pham Thanh Thai, Phan The Duy - 2024 - IEEE - IEEE Access [Tạp chí | Quốc tế]

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    Fuzzing is a popular and effective software testing technique that automatically generates or modifies inputs to test the stability and vulnerabilities of a software system, which has been widely applied and improved by security researchers and experts. The goal of fuzzing is to uncover potential weaknesses in software by providing…

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